My Places in Athens: Shop with Spices Bahar
Spice Shop Bahar [Μπαχάρ]
Cycle: My Places in Athens
There is a video of the 2003 year directed by Tassosa Bulmetisa "policy Kouzina". Whenever I watch it, and watched many times because it's worth – I feel the scent from the screen… It's an intense fragrance of spices.
There is a shop in old Athens on the street Ewrypidou: When you enter it you can feel like on the set of the movie "Policy Kouzina".
What would be our culinary world without spices? Can we imagine it at all?
Those most popular as salt and pepper have long been inadequate for us: we need something more, we need what we find in the wide selection and all species in the shop "Bahar" in Athens.
The "Bahar" store usually creates a queue.
Always queue [fot. Betaki] |
No, absolutely not! Spice shops in Athens are many, nay, even on the same street Ewrypidou there are a few, including even exactly opposite the store "Bahar"… Spices can also be bought on the layman (local bazaars) and in the markets after all, but…
But "Bahar" is a special shop, for me a magic shop, whose allure (but the usefulness) I discovered maybe 10 years ago, when I first came there with friends Greeks from Athens. Often the case makes us discover something that is already in our time. Yes, as for me "Bahar".
Whenever I am in Athens I go to "my" store. I occupy the queue still standing before the shop and go inside, and in the shop…
I, just get i!
It smells like the screen when I watch the movie "policy Kouzina", smells like in the attic shown in this video!
Lean a bit to sniff and it's dried lavender, and it's some other herbs…
[fot. Betaki] |
I do not open: it is understandable…
The spices I buy usually stand where I go and I can't: Behind the sellers. Each jar has a lid to wietrzało nothing, everyone is signed.
[fot. Betaki] |
Ti allo *? "That's a question that's the most common in this shop.
Because there is no one coming after only ten dekagramów red pepper-there is a larger shopping because it is already and has stopped its in line.
In line I stand always: at any time of the day and at any time of year, in winter too. However, I have friends who do not steel in the queue, what a very surprised: OT, such a case. But I can not worry in the queue: on holiday I usually have time, and here I can use it wonderfully.
This queue of willing storm, however, a little atmosphere of this shop: sellers are usually quite a few and work very smoothly, but all the residents of Athens still hurry…
Ti allo? Ti allo? -It rains still… There is no special time for longer figuring out. If I am alone here-with my poor Greek I usually create an extra embolism and know about it, but it's hard: I have the right and I to shop, though before I understand more complicated issues than hourmadion Riga * * or hourmadion Basiliko * * * – it's time. But the sellers are not irritated and show a high dose of patience when plączę beef with pork… Waiting in the queue, too, if they look softer at me: pretend here a larger tourist than I am and I smile apologetically.
If nothing has changed, the shop is open 6 days a week from 7.00-15.00. Only on Fridays to 18th.
For the purpose of this text of delicious photos from the shop "Bahar" I obtained the consent, thank you.
* * – with GR: Hundred oregano (100 grams of oregano)
– from Gr: Hundreds of basil (100 grams of basil)