Day OCHI/OXI [28 October]
Day OCHI/OXI [28 October]
The day of OCHI, which all Greece celebrates on October 28, is one of the two most important national holidays of the country (the latter being the Independence Day celebrated on 25th March).

It is a special feast, celebrated for the commemoration of an important Greek event: on the night of 28 October 1940, Benito Mussolini demanded permission to march the Italian troops through Greece, and the then prime Minister of Greece, Ioannis Metaksas did not agree. It is widely believed that the answer was briefly: „No” (Greek: Ochi/’ Οχι).
On the same day, Greece was attacked by Italy: the civilian population also stood to fight. And although the position of the Greek prime Minister resulted in the accession of Greece to the Second World War – the Greeks were proud of the refusal to recognise it as a symbol of independence and unity of Greece.
On the same day, Greece was attacked by Italy: the civilian population also stood to fight. And although the position of the Greek prime Minister resulted in the accession of Greece to the Second World War – the Greeks were proud of the refusal to recognise it as a symbol of independence and unity of Greece.
Today, every year on October 28, Greece comes in two colors: white and blue – it’s the national colors of Greece. Thousands of like no more Greek flags are gusting this day with poles, fences, latarń, balconies, terraces, often also from the windows of passing cars.
As Greece long and wide, this day hosts parades in which they actively and with great pleasure are taking part and Mali and large. He is often dressed in national costumes or in white-Navy colours proudly march wielding in the palms of the flag – so Greece October 28 honors the memory of those who died fighting for the freedom of Greece.
Χρόνια Πολλά Έλληνες/All the best for Greeks!